About Us

Making History

GlobeX was founded in 2002 with the purpose of designing, manufacturing and launching advanced rockets and spacecraft, with the goal of enabling people to live on other planets. GlobeX has secured over 100 missions to its manifest, representing over $12 billion on contract. We are currently working on the next generation of fully reusable launch vehicles, capable of carrying humans to Mars and other destinations in the solar system.

used rocket on landing pad
shuttle in space with the earth as the backdrop

World's First
Reusable Rocket

The Peregrine Rocket is a fully reusable vehicle designed to service all Earth orbit needs as well as the Moon and Mars. This two-stage vehicle, composed of a Booster and a Ship, creates a single system that can service a variety of markets, which is fundamental in making the Peregrine Rocket affordable.

rocket taking off from launch pad